The interpretation of abnormal Tn levels is both a science and an art that hinges on a careful consideration of findings from electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, physical exam, interview, and other imaging and laboratory data to formulate a weighted differential diagnosis. Here, we review the spectrum of cardiac and non-cardiac etiologies of abnormal serum Tn, as well as the epidemiology, mechanisms, and prognostic implications of each condition. Given the wealth of resources focused on ACS in existence, our website will focus on non-ACS etiologies of Tn elevation.
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Maayah M, Grubman S, Allen S, Ye Z, Park DY, Vemmou E, Gokhan I, Sun WW, Possick S, Kwan JM, et al. Clinical Interpretation of Serum Troponin in the Era of High-Sensitivity Testing. Diagnostics. 2024; 14(5):503.
Maayah M, Grubman S, Allen S, Ye Z, Park DY, Vemmou E, Gokhan I, Sun WW, Possick S, Kwan JM, et al. Clinical Interpretation of Serum Troponin in the Era of High-Sensitivity Testing. Diagnostics. 2024; 14(5):503.