In addition to the individual studies cited in each learning module, we picked out our favorite studies in the troponin literature, with an emphasis on high-sensitivity assays (hs-TnT and hs-TnI), to explore. We summarize each study’s clinical question, what was known before the study, its methods, and its results and implications. Finally, taking inspiration from the style of Sharim’s Cardiac Trials, we provide a “bottom line” color-coded for the population (red), intervention/exposure/characteristic (blue), comparator (green), and outcome/result (yellow). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to contribute a summary of an emerging paper.
- Aimo (2018, Circulation)
- Dawson (2023, JAMA IM)
- Eggers (2019, JACC)
- Fanaroff (2015, JAMA)
- Ganguli (2021, JACC)
- Goliasch (2019, JACC CI)
- Januzzi (2019, JACC CI)
- Karády (2021, JACC)
- Kraus (2018, JAHA)
- Lee (2019, JACC)
- McCarthy (2023, JACC)
- Neumann (NEJM, 2019)
- Omran (2022 Eur Heart J)
- Shah (2018, Lancet)
- Van Der Linden (2017, Circulation)
- Árnadóttir (2020, Circulation)
- Pickering (2017, Annals of IM)
- Lang (2022, Brown J Hosp Med)
- Sengupta (2023, EHJ Digital Health)